Club Social Events
Note - social events are open to club members and their guests only.

Saturday 15th February - Memphis Mark Rock 'n' Roll Night
Friday 14th March - Race Night (Section Fundraiser)
Saturday 5th April - Annual Music Quiz (8pm)
For further details please see the posters below.

Our monthly quiz nights run every third Thursday during the bowling off-season, 8pm start. We hope to see you there! Dates below!
NOTE - Februarys quiz is now on a Friday!
Thursday 17th October
Thursday 21st November
Thursday 19th December
Thursday 16th January
FRIDAY 21st February
Thursday 20th March
Social Team 2024/2025
Social Convenor – Rhona Cunningham
Contact details = 07912509885
Email – rhonacunningham7@gmail.com
This season Rhona has a social team helping with events.
Fiona Bryans – Tennis
Carol Ann Frame – Bowls
David Buchanan – Bowls
Lindsay Buchanan – Bowls
Jackie McCarten – Bowls
If anyone else would like to join the social team, please contact any member at your earliest convenience. Everyone will be more than welcome, and any help will be appreciated, no matter how small.
To reserve tickets for any events, please contact Rhona, or alternatively you can contact any member of the social team.
Please try and support as many of these Club Social Events as you can. Thanks.